More and more men are taking their skincare more seriously. With a deluge of products aimed specifically at men there is no need for anyone to be stealing their partners cream.
A facial should be part of every man’s skincare regime.
Men’s skin tends to be thicker and the pores are often enlarged. Testosterone makes the sebaceous glands produce more sebum, meaning the skin can be oily and more prone to spots and clogged pores. Shaving can lead to skin being sensitised and sore. A facial addresses all these issues and so much more.. The LUX Mens Facial is adapted to treat specific skin concerns as well as being a truly relaxing experience.
The facial begins with the face being cleansed twice and dead skin removed with exfoliation. this is all done while the face is gently steamed. This softens the skin so the pores can be easily cleared. The face, neck and upper chest are massaged to boost circulation and relieve stress. a mask is applied to treat the skin and finally a moisturiser and eye cream are used.
You will be amazed at the difference in the skin in just one treatment.
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